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Čeština - druhé vydání 2005

MediaWiki:RefToolbarNoDialogsTextTerm.js: Porovnání verzí

Z Demopædia
Přejít na: navigace, hledání
(From Italian demopaedia)
(Žádný rozdíl)

Verze z 5. 6. 2012, 18:34

var numforms = 0;
var wikEdAutoUpdateUrl;
function refbuttons() {
  if (mwCustomEditButtons && (document.getElementById('toolbar') || document.getElementById('wikiEditor-ui-toolbar'))/* && wikEdAutoUpdateUrl == null*/) {
    if (document.getElementById('toolbar')) {
      button = document.createElement('a');
      button.href = "javascript:easyCiteMain()";
      button.title = "Insert citation";
      buttonimage = document.createElement('img');
      buttonimage.src = "";
      buttonimage.alt = "Insert footnote";
    } else {
      button = document.createElement('a');
      button.href = "#";
      button.title = "Insert citation"; = 'reftoolbar-button';
      buttonimage = document.createElement('img');
      buttonimage.src = "";
      buttonimage.alt = "Insert citation";
      button.classname = "tool tool-button"; = "22px"; = "17px"; = "5px"; = "3px";
      //document.getElementById('reftoolbar-button').onclick = easyCiteMain;
      $j('#reftoolbar-button').live('click', function() { easyCiteMain(); });
    if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') == -1) {
      //alert("NO MSIE");
      citemain = document.createElement('div'); = 'none';
      citemain.setAttribute('Id', 'citeselect');
      citemain.appendChild( addOption("citeWeb()", "Cite web") );
      citemain.appendChild( addOption("citeBook()", "Cite book") );
      citemain.appendChild( addOption("citeJournal()", "Cite journal") );
      citemain.appendChild( addOption("citeNews()", "Cite news") );
      citemain.appendChild( addOption("citeNamedRef()", "Named ref") );
      citemain.appendChild( addOption("dispErrors()", "Error check") );
      citemain.appendChild( addOption("hideInitial()", "Cancel") );
      citemain.appendChild( addOption("textTerm()", "TextTerm") );
      document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').parentNode.insertBefore(citemain, document.getElementById('wpTextbox1'));
    else {
      selection = '<div id="citeselect" style="display:none"><input type="button" value="Cite web" onclick="citeWeb()" />'+
	'<input type="button" value="Cite book" onclick="citeBook()" />'+
	'<input type="button" value="Cite journal" onclick="citeJournal()" />'+
	'<input type="button" value="Cite news" onclick="citeNews()" />'+
	'<input type="button" value="Named ref" onclick="citeNamedRef()" />'+
	'<input type="button" value="Error check" onclick="dispErrors()" />'+
	'<input type="button" value="Cancel" onclick="hideInitial()" />'+
	'<input type="button" value="TextTerm" onclick="textTerm()" /></div>';
      document.getElementById('editform').innerHTML = selection + document.getElementById('editform').innerHTML;

function addOption(script, text) {
  option = document.createElement('input');
  option.setAttribute('type', 'button');
  option.setAttribute('onclick', script);
  option.setAttribute("value", text);
  return option;

function hideInitial() {
  document.getElementById('citeselect').style.display = 'none';

function oldFormHide() {
  if (numforms != 0) {
    document.getElementById('citediv'+numforms).style.display = 'none';
  if (document.getElementById('errorform') != null) {

function easyCiteMain() {
  document.getElementById('citeselect').style.display = '';

var months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
	      'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'];
var citeGlobalDateFormat = "<date> <monthname> <year>";
function getTime() {
  var datestr = '';
  if (typeof citeUserDateFormat != 'undefined') {
    datestr = citeUserDateFormat;
  } else {
    datestr = citeGlobalDateFormat;
  var DT = new Date();
  var zmonth = '';
  var month = DT.getUTCMonth()+1;
  if (month < 10) {
    zmonth = "0"+month.toString();
  } else {
    zmonth = month.toString();
  month = month.toString();
  var zdate = '';
  var date = DT.getUTCDate()
  if (date < 10) {
    zdate = "0"+date.toString();
  } else {
    zdate = date.toString();
  date = date.toString()
  datestr = datestr.replace('<date>', date);
  datestr = datestr.replace('<month>', month);
  datestr = datestr.replace('<zdate>', zdate);
  datestr = datestr.replace('<zmonth>', zmonth);
  datestr = datestr.replace('<monthname>', months[DT.getUTCMonth()]);
  datestr = datestr.replace('<year>', DT.getUTCFullYear().toString());
  return (datestr);

function citeWeb() {
  citeNewsWeb("cite web");
function citeNews() {
  citeNewsWeb("cite news");

function textTerm() {

var texttermall = new Array();
var texttermcur = new Array();
var textterminput = new Array();
var poffset=null, prange=null, noffset=null, nrange=null;
var section = '';
var subnote = '';

function textTermf() {

function nexttextterm() {
  //console.log("nexttexterm before noffset :" + noffset + " nrange=" + nrange);
  savetextterms(); // Save if changed
  if(noffset){ // If there is a next
    textTermform(noffset, nrange); // Call with offset !{{TextTerm    }}
function previoustextterm() {
  //console.log("previoustexterm before poffset :" + poffset + " prange=" + prange);
  if(poffset){ // If there is a next
    textTermform(poffset, prange); // Call with offset !{{TextTerm    }}

function texttermfill(subtext) {
  var ref = new Array();
  this.term = '';
  this.note= '';
  this.section= '';
  if(section != '')
    this.section = section;
  this.subnote = '';
  if(subnote != '')
    this.subnote = subnote;
  this.englishentry= '';
  this.indexentry= '';
  this.otherindexentry = '';
  this.otherindexentrytwo = '';
  this.otherindexentrythree = '';
  this.otherindexentryfour = '';
  this.otherindexentryfive = '';

  var j=0;
  var nr=true;
  regexbar= /\|([^|]*)/gm 
  //regexbar =/\|((.)*?)(?=[\||\n])/gm //"|programmes de population|1|933|IndexEntry=programme de population|OtherIndexEntry=population, programme de"
  do {
    ref = regexbar.exec(subtext);
    //console.log(" subtext=" + subtext);
    //console.log(" ref=" + ref);
    if(ref != null){
      switch (j)
      case 0 : this.term = ref[1]; break;
      case 1 : this.note = ref[1]; break;
      case 2 : this.section = ref[1]; break;
      default :
	if(ref[1].match(/^ *?EnglishEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
	  this.englishentry = ref[1].replace(/^ *?EnglishEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
	else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?IndexEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
	  this.indexentry = ref[1].replace(/^ *?IndexEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
	else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?OtherIndexEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
	  this.otherindexentry = ref[1].replace(/^ *?OtherIndexEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
	else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryTwo *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
	  this.otherindexentrytwo = ref[1].replace(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryTwo *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
	else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryThree *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
	  this.otherindexentrythree = ref[1].replace(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryThree *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
	else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryFour *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
	  this.otherindexentryfour = ref[1].replace(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryFour *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
	else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryFive *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
	  this.otherindexentryfive = ref[1].replace(/^ *?OtherIndexEntryFive *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
	else if(ref[1].match(/^ *?EnglishEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/))
	  this.englishentry = ref[1].replace(/^ *?EnglishEntry *?= *?(.*) *?$/,"$1");
	else if(j==3){
	    this.subnote = ref[1];
	  alert("texttermfill error j=" + j + " ref1= " +ref[1]);
	  //console.log("texttermfill error j=" + j + " ref1= " +ref[1]);
    } else {
  } while (nr==true);
  //console.log("j=" + j + " term=" + this.term + " note=" + this.note + " section=" + this.section +" subnote=" + this.subnote +" indexentry=" + this.indexentry + " otherindexentry=" + this.otherindexentry);

function textTermform(offset,range){

  // We search for TextTerm in wptexbox1 from cursor position (offset) and if selected (range)
  // If called by a previous or next, they are not null {{TextTerm<-......>}}
  // if outside of a TextTerm template, we will fill with the term with the selection
  // in any case we compute the previous nextstart and previus end and next offset not real.
  // if inside a TextTerm we fill the form
  // if saveterm is necessary, we save and exit.
  // if previous or next, we save if necessary and we call textTermform with a new offset >0 (next) or <0 (previous) and range
  var textarea= document.getElementById('wpTextbox1');
  if ('selectionStart' in textarea) {
    if (offset == null){ // range should be null too
      offset = textarea.selectionStart;
      range = textarea.selectionEnd - textarea.selectionStart;

      var lstxtterm = textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionEnd). lastIndexOf("{{TextTerm") ; // Just before the string. No regex
      var lstcltxtterm = textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart). lastIndexOf("}}") ; //might be for another purpose than TextTerm
      // Looking for the section
      section = '';
      var psectione = textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionEnd). lastIndexOf("===") ; // Just before the string. No regex
      if(psectione != -1){
	var psections = textarea.value.substring(0,psectione). lastIndexOf("===") ; // Just before the string. No regex
	if(psections != -1){
	  section =  textarea.value.substring(psections,psectione+3).match(/^=== *?(\d{3}) *?===$/)[1];
      //console.log(" section |" + section);
      //textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart). search(new RegExp("((({{TextTerm[^}]+)[^{]+)+)");
      if ( (-1 == lstxtterm) || ((-1 < lstxtterm) && (lstxtterm < lstcltxtterm)) ) { // @{{TextTerm ...@}}...(...).. 
	// {{Refnumber }} ....! 
	// alert("We are after outside a previous TextTerm or no TextTerm before:" + textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart ));
	texttermcur = new texttermfill("|" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
	//console.log(" We want to fill with the selection=" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
	// On se retrouve avec du texte à ajouter et le curseur inchangé à textarea.selectionStart   
      } else if ( (lstxtterm > lstcltxtterm) && (lstcltxtterm > -1) ) { // @}}... @{{TextTerm ... (...).. 
	//alert("We are within a TextTerm or no closing }}:" + textarea.value.substring(lstcltxtterm, lstxtterm));
	// ( textarea.value.substring(lstxtterm, textarea.selectionStart). search(new RegExp("}}")) == -1) {
	var endtxterm= textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.length). search("}}");
	if( endtxterm == -1)
	  error(" Error no closing TextTerm; should be fixed:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart, textarea.length));
	  endtxterm = endtxterm + textarea.selectionStart +2 ; // }} included
	  // Looking for @{{TextTerm....}}@
	  // alert("We are within textterm  " + lstxtterm + " to " + endtxterm + " soit:" + textarea.value.substring(lstxtterm,endtxterm) );
	  //console.log(" Replacing with form result:" + textarea.value.substring(lstxtterm+"{{TextTerm".length,endtxterm-"}}".length));
	  texttermcur = new texttermfill(textarea.value.substring(lstxtterm+"{{TextTerm".length,endtxterm-"}}".length) );
	  // On devrait remplacer {{TextTerm ...}} par la forme, soit de lstxtterm endtxtterm
	  // On se fout de la sélection originale et la repositionne sur toute l'étendue du textterm.
	  // alert("After null before textarea.selectionStart is" + textarea.selectionStart + " end=" +  textarea.selectionEnd);
	  // alert(" selection is:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
	  textarea.selectionStart = lstxtterm;
	  textarea.selectionEnd = endtxterm;
	  // alert("After null textarea.selectionStart is" + textarea.selectionStart + " end=" +  textarea.selectionEnd);
	  // alert(" selection is now:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
	} //en endtxtterm
      } // end  @}}... @{{TextTerm ... (...).. 
    }else{ // coming from a previous or next
      // alert("After Next textarea.selectionStart is" + textarea.selectionStart + " end=" +  textarea.selectionEnd);
      // alert(" After next selection is:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
      // alert("Coming from a previous or next modifing selectionStart start is an offsetstart =" + offset + " and range=" + range)
  // Previous
  //                                selectionStart selectionEnd
  //                                         >                <
  // ^....@{{TextTerm....#}}.................@{{TextTerm ...}}!
  //       !<-range-------->! 
  //                       #<-offset--------->! 
  // Next
  //  selectionStart selectionEnd
  //      >                 <
  // ^....@{{TextTerm....#}}.................@{{TextTerm ...}}!
  //                                         !<--range------->! 
  //                       #<-offset--------->! 
      // alert(" Before textarea.selectionStart=" + textarea.selectionStart + " textarea.selectionEnd=" + textarea.selectionEnd);
      //alert(" Before is:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
      textarea.selectionStart = (offset > 0 ? textarea.selectionEnd + offset : textarea.selectionStart + offset -range);
      textarea.selectionEnd = textarea.selectionStart + range;
        // Looking for the section
      section = '';
      var psectione = textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionEnd). lastIndexOf("===") ; // Just before the string. No regex
      if(psectione != -1){
	var psections = textarea.value.substring(0,psectione). lastIndexOf("===") ; // Just before the string. No regex
	if(psections != -1){
	  section =  textarea.value.substring(psections,psectione+3).match(/^=== *?(\d{3}) *?===$/)[1];
      //console.log(" section Other |" + section);

      // alert(" After is:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart,textarea.selectionEnd));
      // alert(" After textarea.selectionStart=" + textarea.selectionStart + " textarea.selectionEnd=" + textarea.selectionEnd);
      //console.log("textterm cur is:" + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart+"{{TextTerm".length,textarea.selectionEnd-"}}".length));
      texttermcur = new texttermfill(textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionStart+"{{TextTerm".length,textarea.selectionEnd-"}}".length) );
    alert("No selectionStart Internet Explorer < 9?");
  // Looking for previous and next
  // Previous
  // ^....@{{TextTerm....#}}.................@{{TextTerm ...}}!
  //                        poffset
  //       <   prange      ><
  //       ><              ><
  //     pstart          pend
  //       !<--------offsetpstart------------>! 
  //                       #<-offsetpsend---->! 

  var pstart = textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart). lastIndexOf("{{TextTerm"); 
  if ( pstart == -1) { // No previous
    // alert( "NO previous : " + textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart));
    poffset = null;
    prange = null;
    // alert( "Previous pstart=" + pstart + " selectionStart=" + textarea.selectionStart + " pstart:selectionStart=" + textarea.value.substring(pstart,textarea.selectionStart));
    var pend = textarea.value.substring(pstart,textarea.selectionStart). search("}}") ; // Regex ?
    // alert( "Previous pstart=" + pstart + " pend= " + pend + " selectionStart=" + textarea.selectionStart + " pstart:selectionStart=" + textarea.value.substring(pstart,textarea.selectionStart));
    if ( pend == -1) { // Strange no ending
      stop( "NO ending }} in previous : " + textarea.value.substring(0,textarea.selectionStart));
      prange = pend + 2; // }} included
      poffset = pstart + prange - textarea.selectionStart;  // should be negative
      // alert( " prange =" + prange + " poffset=" + poffset);
  // Next
  // ^....@{{TextTerm....#}}.................@{{TextTerm ...}}!
  //                       !<--------offsetnend-------------->! 
  //                       #<-offsetnstart--->! 
  //                                      noffset
  //                                         ><   nrange     >
  //                       #<-offsetnstart--->! 
  var nstart = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd,textarea.length). search("{{TextTerm") 
  if ( nstart == -1) { // No next
    // alert( "NO next TextTerm : " +  textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd,textarea.length));
    noffset = null;
    nrange = null;
    var nend = textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd + nstart,textarea.length). search("}}") ;
    if ( nend == -1) { // Strange no ending
      stop( "NO ending }} in previous : " + textarea.value.substring(textarea.selectionEnd,textarea.length)) ;
      noffset = nstart ;
      nrange = nend +2 ;// }}

  // We do have offset or null, as well formfilled with a selection.

  template = "TextTerm";
  var legend;
  if (template == "TextTerm") {
    legend = "TextTerm source";
  } else {
    legend = "Cite news source";
  newtime = getTime();

  form = '<div id="citediv'+numforms+'">'+
    '<table cellspacing="5">'+
    '<input type="hidden" value="'+template+'" id="template">'+
    '<tr><td><label for="term">&nbsp;*Term or expression: </label></td>'+
    '<td colspan="3"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="term" value= "' +
    texttermcur.term + '"></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="100"><label for="note">&nbsp;*Note number (1, 2 etc .): </label></td>'+
    '<td width="40"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:10%" id="note" value= "' +
    texttermcur.note + '"></td>'+
    '<td width="100"><label for="subnote">&nbsp;Subnote (2): </label></td>'+
    '<td width="40"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:10%" id="subnote" value= "' +
    texttermcur.subnote + '"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="300"><label for="section">&nbsp;Section (102, 933 etc.): </label></td>'+
    '<td width="40"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:10%" id="section" value= "' +
    texttermcur.section + '"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="indexentry">&nbsp;IndexEntry: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="indexentry" value= "' +
    texttermcur.indexentry + '"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="otherindexentry">&nbsp;OtherIndexEntry: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="otherindexentry" value= "' +
    texttermcur.otherindexentry + '"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="otherindexentrytwo">&nbsp;OtherIndexEntryTwo: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="otherindexentrytwo" value= "' +
    texttermcur.otherindexentrytwo + '"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="otherindexentrythree">&nbsp;OtherIndexEntryThree: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="otherindexentrythree" value= "' +
    texttermcur.otherindexentrythree + '"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="otherindexentryfour">&nbsp;OtherIndexEntryFour: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="otherindexentryfour" value= "' +
    texttermcur.otherindexentryfour + '"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="otherindexentryfive">&nbsp;OtherIndexEntryFive: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="otherindexentryfive" value= "' +
    texttermcur.otherindexentryfive + '"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="englishentry">&nbsp;EnglishEntry (for Chinese and Japanese): </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="englishentry" value= "' +
    texttermcur.englishentry + '"></td></tr>'+
    '<input type="button" id="previous" value="(save &) previous TextTerm" onClick="previoustextterm()">'+
    '<input type="button" value="(save &) exit" onClick="savetextterms()">'+
    '<input type="button" id="next" value="(save &) next TextTerm" onClick="nexttextterm()">'+
  document.getElementById('citeselect').innerHTML += form;

function citeNewsWeb(templatename) {
  template = templatename;
  var legend;
  if (template == "cite web") {
    legend = "Cite web source";
  } else {
    legend = "Cite news source";
  newtime = getTime();
  form = '<div id="citediv'+numforms+'">'+
    '<table cellspacing="5">'+
    '<input type="hidden" value="'+template+'" id="template">'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="url">&nbsp;URL: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="url"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="title">&nbsp;Title: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="title"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="last">&nbsp;Last name: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="last"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="first">&nbsp;First name: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="first"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="coauthors">&nbsp;Coauthors: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="coauthors"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="date">&nbsp;Publication date: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="date"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="work">&nbsp;Work: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="work"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="publisher">&nbsp;Publisher: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="publisher"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="pages">&nbsp;Pages: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="pages"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="language">&nbsp;Language: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="language"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="accessdate">&nbsp;Access date: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="accessdate" value="'+ newtime +'"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="location">&nbsp;Location: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="location"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="refname">&nbsp;Reference name: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="refname"></td></tr>'+
    '<input type="button" value="Add citation" onClick="addcites()">'+
  document.getElementById('citeselect').innerHTML += form;

function citeBook() {
  template = "cite book";
  form = '<div id="citediv'+numforms+'">'+
    '<fieldset><legend>Cite book source</legend>'+
    '<table cellspacing="5">'+
    '<input type="hidden" value="'+template+'" id="template">'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="last">&nbsp;Last name: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="last"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="first">&nbsp;First name: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="first"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="coauthors">&nbsp;Coauthors: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="coauthors"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="others">&nbsp;Others: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="others"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="title">&nbsp;Title: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="title"></td>'+
    '<td width="120"><label for="editor">&nbsp;Editor: </label></td>'+
    '<td width="400"><input type="text" tabindex=1 style="width:100%" id="editor"></td></tr>'+
    '<tr><td width="120"><label for="publisher">&nbsp;Publisher: </label></td>'+
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function citeJournal() {
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function savetextterms(template) {
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function addcites(template) {
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function getNamedRefs(calls) {
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    if (wikEdUseWikEd == true) {
  text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value;
  var regex;
  if (calls) {
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  } else {
    regex = /< *?ref +?name *?= *?(('([^']*?)')|("([^"]*?)")|([^'"\s]*?[^\/]\b)) *?>/gi //'
  var namedrefs = new Array();
  var i=0;
  var nr=true;
  do {
    ref = regex.exec(text);
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      } else if (ref[3]) {
        namedrefs[i] = ref[3];
      } else {
        namedrefs[i] = ref[6];
    } else {
  } while (nr==true);
  return namedrefs;

function citeNamedRef() {
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    document.getElementById('citeselect').innerHTML += out;
  else {
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function addnamedcite() {
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  ref = '<ref name="'+name+'" />';
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function getAllRefs() {
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    if (wikEdUseWikEd == true) {
  text = document.getElementById('wpTextbox1').value;
  regex = /< *?ref( +?name *?= *?(('([^']*?)')|("([^"]*?)")|([^'"\s]*?[^\/]\b)))? *?>((.|\n)*?)< *?\/? *?ref *?>/gim //"
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  var nr=true;
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    ref = regex.exec(text);
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      if (ref[0].search(/[^\s]{150}/) != -1) {
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      ref[0] = ref[0].replace(/>/g, "&gt;");
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    } else {
  } while (nr==true);
  return allrefs;

function NRcallError(namedrefs, refname) {
  for (var i=0; i<namedrefs.length; i++) {
    if (namedrefs[i] == refname) {
      return true;
  return false;

function errorCheck() {
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  var allrefscontent = new Array();
  var samecontentexclude = new Array();
  var sx=0;
  var templateexclude = new Array();
  var tx=0;
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  var errorlist = new Array();
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  samecontent = document.getElementById('samecontent').checked;
  templates = document.getElementById('templates').checked;
  repeated = document.getElementById('repeated').checked;
  undef = document.getElementById('undef').checked;
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      errorlist[q] += '<td width="25%">Unclosed <tt>&lt;ref&gt;</tt> tag</td></tr>';
    if (samecontent) {
      for (var d=0; d<samecontentexclude.length; d++) {
        if (allrefscontent[i] == samecontentexclude[d]) {
          skipcheck = true;
      var p=0;
      while (p<allrefs.length && !skipcheck) {
        if (allrefscontent[i] == allrefscontent[p] && i != p) {
          errorlist[q] = '<tr><td width="75%"><tt>'+allrefscontent[i]+'</tt></td>';
          errorlist[q] += '<td width="25%">Multiple refs contain this content, a <a href="">named reference</a> should be used instead</td></tr>';
          samecontentexclude[sx] = allrefscontent[i]
    if (templates) {
      if (allrefscontent[i].search(/\{\{cite/i) == -1 && allrefscontent[i].search(/\{\{citation/i) == -1 && allrefscontent[i].search(/\{\{Comic (book|strip) reference/i) == -1 && allrefscontent[i].search(/\{\{Editorial cartoon reference/i) == -1 && allrefscontent[i].search(/\{\{harv/i) == -1) {
        for (var x=0; x<templateexclude.length; x++) {
          if (allrefscontent[i] == templateexclude[x]) {
            skipcheck = true;
        if (!skipcheck) {
          errorlist[q] = '<tr><td width="75%"><tt>'+allrefs[i]+'</tt></td>';
          errorlist[q] += '<td width="25%">Does not use a <a href="">citation template</a></td></tr>';
          templateexclude[tx] = allrefscontent[i];
        skipcheck = false;
  if (repeated) {
    var repeatnameexclude = new Array();
    var rx=0;
    for (var k=0; k<namedrefs.length; k++) {
      for (var d=0; d<repeatnameexclude.length; d++) {
        if (namedrefs[k] == repeatnameexclude[d]) {
          skipcheck = true;
      var z=0;
      while (z<namedrefs.length && !skipcheck) {
        if (namedrefs[k] == namedrefs[z] && k != z) {
          errorlist[q] = '<tr><td width="75%"><tt>'+namedrefs[k]+'</tt></td>';
          errorlist[q] += '<td width="25%">Multiple references are given the same <a href="">name</a></td></tr>';
          repeatnameexclude[rx] = namedrefs[z];
      skipcheck = false;
  if (undef) {
    var undefexclude = new Array();
    var ux=0;
    for (var p=0; p<namedrefcalls.length; p++) {
      for (var d=0; d<undefexclude.length; d++) {
        if (allrefscontent[i] == undefexclude[d]) {
          skipcheck = true;
      if (!skipcheck) {
        if (!NRcallError(namedrefs, namedrefcalls[p])) {
          errorlist[q] = '<tr><td width="75%"><tt>'+namedrefcalls[p]+'</tt></td>';
          errorlist[q] += '<td width="25%">A <a href="">named reference</a> is used but not defined</td></tr>';
          undefexclude[ux] = namedrefs[p];
      skipcheck = false;
  if (q > 0) {
    return errorlist;
  } else {
    return 0;

function dispErrors() {
  form = '<div id="errorform"><fieldset>'+
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    '<input type="checkbox" id="unclosed" /> Unclosed <tt>&lt;ref&gt;</tt> tags<br/>'+
    '<input type="checkbox" id="samecontent" /> References with the same content<br/>'+
    '<input type="checkbox" id="templates" /> References not using a <a href="">citation template</a><br/>'+
    '<input type="checkbox" id="repeated" /> Multiple references with the same name<br/>'+
    '<input type="checkbox" id="undef" /> Usage of undefined named references<br/>'+
    '<input type="button" id="errorchecksubmit" value="Check for selected errors" onclick="doErrorCheck()"/>'+
  document.getElementById('citeselect').innerHTML += form;

function doErrorCheck() {
  var errors = errorCheck();
  if (errors == 0) {
    if (numforms != 0) {
      document.getElementById('citediv'+numforms).style.display = 'none';
    out = '<div id="citediv'+numforms+'"><fieldset>'+
      '<legend>Error checking</legend>No errors found.</fieldset></div>';
    document.getElementById('citeselect').innerHTML += out;
  else {
    if (numforms != 0) {
      document.getElementById('citediv'+numforms).style.display = 'none';
    form = '<div id="citediv'+numforms+'">'+
      '<fieldset><legend>Error checking</legend>'+
      '<table border="1px">';
    for (var i=0; i<errors.length; i++) {
    form+= '</table>'+
    document.getElementById('citeselect').innerHTML += form;

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